Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Resistor's value from its colors - Resistor Color Code

No electronic circuit nearly don't have at least one resistor, so if you don't have multimeter how to get the value of a resistor.

This method is called resistor color code, this means calculating the resistor value from its colors.
in it each color has a number,A colorful rings composed of four or five episodes each episode representing a specific number.

Example, resistance of red - red - brown is 220 ohm
where ​​ the first color represents the first digit in the resistor value, and the second represents the second digit in the resistor value and the third is the number of zeros and the fourth color and represents a margin of error.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to install a barcode system

We will now learn how to install a barcode system in minuts.
this system is usually used in super markets, and pharmacy.
All what we need are:


                      1- Barcode printer

Learn how to be the perfect man for your woman

Most men have a passion to know how to be the ideal man in the eyes of his wife, here's the magic recipe:
The man who will not be forgotten by women

1 - The man who is emotionally generous
and generous in his hand and gives her security  and compassion.
2 - Soft in his handling of the fine in his feelings, a strong personal and confident of himself.
3 – Who she feels with him her femininity and his Manliness
4 – If he speak, she Fascinate with his style
and good speech.
5 – Who gives her his all love.
6 - Who mastered the art looks towards it.
7 - Who appreciate her sense of her feelings and be beside her in grief.
8 – Who listens, appreciate her opinion, requesting their participation and respect her opinion.